Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Simplest way to be an expert in any area

This is something I heard a few years back and it stuck with me. It was a quote someone made, but I have not idea who made it or how exactly how it goes, so I will paraphrase it.

"If you read 5 books on any given subject, you will know more about that subject than 95% of the population."

And if you really think about it, it totally makes sense. Looking at myself, I've coached baseball in the past and have read more that 5 books on coaching baseball. When I've come to implement some of those ideas, parents and coaches were blown away by my knowledge of the game. I didn't invent baseball, but I educated myself on many facets of the game that gave me a distinct advantage over many of my peers.

This can be easily applied to making information products, blogging and many other things.  Instead of sitting down and watching TV or playing video games, check out a book at the library and feed your brain.

What do I read?

Well, find something you are passionate about. Or if you are looking to make an info product, check out the news and see what the headlines are.

Just today these are the subjects I ran across:
  • Jobs
  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Android phone
  • Autism
  • Antidepressants
  • tax audit
Just look at the few ideas there for and info product. iPad-iPhone: Tips and Tricks, develop apps, productivity using these tools etc. Jobs: Killer resume guide, interviewing lesssions, how to KEEP your job. Autisim and antidepressants: Guide to natual remidies . Tax Audit: How to avoid one. Android: See iPad-iPhone.

So there you have it. There are a few ideas on how to be an expert in any given area and capitalize on any current trend.